Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day Three- Gettysburg! (Luke's version).

So now I guess I get to write the more humorous version of today's events. We woke up bright and early to head down to the restaurant area at our hotel, where we ate some good breakfast and listen to the waitress lady complain about how tired she was and that she hates to get up early (great service, really!). Afterwards we headed out to the brand-spankin' new Gettsyburg Visitor Center (well, three years old, but still pretty nice and new). We went to watch a 20 minute video about the war and then went to view the Cyclorama, which is a big pic-, sorry, oil PAINTING that goes around in a circle. The thing is super huge and is about 43 feet high and 300 something feet in length. Then after THAT ( I know, lots of museum) we went to the huge exhibit, (I know, this place is endless). So 10:00 o'clock rolled around and we met up with our tour guide, Howie. Howie was an  retired Navy service man, and has been a licensed tour guide for the Gettysburg battlefield. Howie talked A LOT, which for the most part was great! But sometimes it seemed a little bit intimidating to ask him a question because you didn't want to interrupt his talking. So after about 2 1/2 hours we said goodbye to Howie and went to look for a place to eat. We found a Friendly's restaurant and sat down, now here's where it gets good.

Here comes walking up some very, and I mean VERY elderly lady by the name of Rita. Rita has probably been working at Friendly's since it's been open (1940s). So we ordered our meals and waited for awhile. Then after awhile Rita comes back with our food. Smelling like smoke and handling the food with her big, long, yellow nails, she handed us our food and hobbled away. So a little background on Friendly's before I go on, Friendly's is like the East Coast version of the Mid-West's Perkins, But instead of breakfast, Friendly's is famous for it's ice cream. So we decided to order some ice cream. Rita came to the table while I was going to the bathroom, and asked Beth and Taber if they wanted to order their ice cream now, they said no because I was in the bathroom. Rita say's in her crackly voice (at least in Beth's version) "Oh alrighty, I'll be back in a little bit). So I get back and we wait for Rita, and we wait, and we wait, and we wait. I don't know what "a little bit" means in Rita's world, but I know that in the real-world it's like 5 minutes. Well, we waited about 25 minutes before she even came BACK to order our ice cream And then you know, about another leisurely 15 minutes to make the ice cream. So, that was the fun we had at Friendly's. After some more driving around the battlefield revisiting some sites, we headed back to the hotel to relax and re-cooperate. Then we went to the Farnswoth House for some period dinner. They had some cool, unique foods there (like Dutch Relish, Spoon Bread Pudding, Sweet Potato Pudding). It was a nice dinner and we walked around afterwards, and then finally after our long adventurous day, headed back to the hotel. 

So now, I'm sitting here in the freezing hotel room (Beth turned on the A/C and never stopped it!) finishing this blog post. Thanks for following along and reading! 


  1. And what is the etymology of farby? Did it start with the last name of someone who was particularly farby?
    I love the Rita and Howie stories - what great stories and memories they have given you. Keep us up to date on the farby or non-farby ghost tour.

  2. Fun! Luke maybe you can be a "Howie" someday! Also when you come to Atlanta there is a big cyclorama here too!


  3. (From Beth) Oh Luke, you had a cold night w/ the AC running, the thermostat was right next to your bed . . . And, I let you sit in the front seat on the way, when you were car sick and control the AC, I also let you sit in the front w/ Howie during the driving tour of the battlefield and consequently control the AC (in the 90+ heat)! Oh, and there was the running into me while we were walking, kicking me under the table while we were eating and . . . Oh, I'm just giving you a hard time. I love you!!! You're my favorite (13 yr old) nephew (in PA)! I'm glad we're all taking this trek together.

  4. I can see Tabor has his hands full! :)

    Be cool! Or maybe, Hot!

    Uncle Mike!
